Serving the Church and the MBB community, both in engaging Islam and in engaging Muslims... in the defense of the faith...and in implementing the Great Commission


About Them

What Is RACE

A ministry to the Church with focus on:

·         Research leading to books and other media-based materials on the nature of Islam and its effect on our society, as well as position papers on policy issues such as Shariah and its impact.

·         Advocacy to defend persecuted Christians in the third world, and increasingly in the West as Shari’ah Law is implemented and societies are Islamized.

·         Christian Education through the development of a curriculum and publications for pastors, missionaries, mission leaders, apologists, and Christian professionals in the marketplace.

·         Engagement: Equipping the Church and Christian civic leaders for informed engagement  in defense of the faith, as well as reaching Muslims individually with the Gospel.

Problem Analysis and Solutions by RACE


The initiated and conducted by RACE staff has yielded major position reports, presentations and papers on issues such as:

·       The legal implications of introducing Shariah-compliant finance in the UK

·       Compatibility (or the lack thereof) of Islamic doctrines and democracy

·       The legal and economic implications of introducing Islamic dietary requirements on a global scale


RACE main advocacy efforts relates to dealing with the persecution of Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) in the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds. This representation varies from one country to another depending on the particular laws of the land.

Christian Education

RACE has developed full curricula for two types of audiences

(a)   Pastors, leaders and missionaries interested in reaching Muslims and engaging with Islam on a theological and practical basis.

(b)   Discipleship materials for MBBs and second-generation believers with MBB parents


This has two distinct components:

1.     Engagement with Islam: This is already in progress, so the real question is how to respond confidently in truth and love

2.     Engagement with Muslims: Muslims are given a “different Jesus” in the Qur’an, and thus have been inoculated against the truth of the Biblical “Gospel.” Hence, there a  need to make them aware of what the Bible actually teaches vs the assertions contained in their authoritative documents.

Why Work with RACE and Support it?

RACE is run by top experts on Islam and Biblical Christianity from Muslim backgrounds. They have lived Islam in the past, care for their Muslim families, and work among MBBs, church leaders, missionaries for effective ways to rise to the challenge.


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