Donations to this fund will go directly to help sustain the livelihoods of the families of Christian martyrs, typically in countries whose governments are openly hostile to the GospelMARTYRS FUND
About Them
Liu Haitao was martyred in China on October 16, 2000. He remained faithful to Jesus Christ in face of terrible beatings—even to the point of death. He joined the many thousands who before and after his death have walked the martyr’s road in their obedience to their Savior. As persecution increases across the earth, so does the likelihood of martyrdom for those who remain obedient to Christ Jesus. Many of those martyred for their faith leave behind struggling families. | While local Christian communities do their best to support the bereaved family, God is giving the church in the West an opportunity to share in the privilege of helping the families of martyrs. Donations to this fund will go directly to help sustain the livelihoods of the families of Christian martyrs, typically in countries whose governments are openly hostile to the Gospel. |